NOTE: Some users currently experience some issues involving constantly playing sounds. I will look into it as soon as I find the time!
Plays a sound when you connect or disconnect a power charger.
This is meant to inform you accoustically about the beginning and end of charging when using an unreliable charger.
Please contact me by email if you experience any problems!
Please note that you cannot override or disable any system sounds by installing an app. That is also true for Plug Sound. If you are a Samsung user for instance, the only way to get rid of the system plug sounds is to look for a device specific solution on the web. Good luck!
CATATAN: Beberapa pengguna saat ini mengalami beberapa masalah yang melibatkan terus bermain suara. Aku akan melihat ke dalamnya segera setelah saya menemukan waktu!
Memainkan suara saat Anda menghubungkan atau melepas pengisi daya.
Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk menginformasikan accoustically tentang awal dan akhir pengisian ketika menggunakan charger tidak dapat diandalkan.
Silahkan hubungi saya melalui email jika Anda mengalami masalah!
Harap dicatat bahwa Anda tidak dapat mengganti atau menonaktifkan suara sistem dengan menginstal sebuah aplikasi. Itu juga berlaku untuk Plug Sound. Jika Anda adalah pengguna Samsung misalnya, satu-satunya cara untuk menyingkirkan steker sistem suara adalah untuk mencari solusi perangkat tertentu di web. Good luck!
NOTE: Some users currently experience some issues involving constantly playing sounds. I will look into it as soon as I find the time!
Plays a sound when you connect or disconnect a power charger.
This is meant to inform you accoustically about the beginning and end of charging when using an unreliable charger.
Please contact me by email if you experience any problems!
Please note that you cannot override or disable any system sounds by installing an app. That is also true for Plug Sound. If you are a Samsung user for instance, the only way to get rid of the system plug sounds is to look for a device specific solution on the web. Good luck!